A world full of delusional
Fools persecuted by Satanist
Pedocriminal Elites and the Deep
State who try to silence them
They are the only ones who still
Hold the only inescapable existential
Truth to the detriment of all the Ignoramuses
Who populate this world
They have a special connection with
The Divine approaching the Gods far
Removed from the fallen angels in
Perdition who indulge our age
This boundless intelligence and
Foresight gives them inescapable power
And authority over us Poor lost sheep
Corrupted and possessed by the devil
Himself and his legion of demons
Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah
You must prepare for an
imminent fall into the fury of
Hell's fires. We can already hear the
trumpets of Jericho sounding, announcing
The beginning of the end of times which
will not be eternal for everyone
Yan Lopez, a scumbag who threatens and harasses people who denounce his pedophile activities with the AgoraTV Amish mafia